Stine Sandermann Olsen

Stine Sandermann OlsenStine Sandermann Olsen

MA Textile Design, Chelsea College of Arts 2016

Chewed up and spat out chewing gum might not seem like a great starting point for a fashion collection, but that is exactly where Stine ended up when creating her All That Glitters is Gold collection.

Channeling thoughts on how we drown ourselves and our surroundings in synthetic materials and an excess of good, Stine spun this idea into something precious by exploring how everything can eventually be turned into gold- even our waste.

Stine hopes that through the collection the wearer will stop and think about their levels of consumption and that this can lead to a change in consumer habits.

Awards and residencies:

The Batsford Prize, Fashion Category 2016; VERO MODA International Design Award (nomination) 2016; Smarteyes Design Award (nomination), 2015; Design Talent of the Year at Danish Entrepreneurship Awards (nomination) 2013



"The way you can wrap something around your body and become a living, moving representative for that thought or message yourself is, to me, very important in my work."



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